Well, I’ve been back in the States for a few days now. It
doesn’t seem real, but here I am. Watching the Olympics is weird because I kind
of feel like I never left. It’s exciting, though, because I see buildings or
parks and I know exactly where they are and probably walked by them just a week
Its good to be back, though. I’m busy finishing up a few
assignments (which will be posted soon) and catching up on sleep, which really
means I’m being super lazy just because I can.
And I’m pretty sure that any weight I lost walking around
Great Britain over the last 6 weeks, I’m gaining back quickly via 5 Guys,
Mickey Mouse pancakes & bacon, loads of Dr. Pepper, and the roast and
potatoes that are currently hanging out in the crock pot.
If you’re wondering whether or not I made it to the Opening
Ceremony, well I’ll just tell you. I woke up early and made my way to East
London and met with Bev, Kristen, and Brandy at the tube stop. After a long and
twisty walk, and asking at least 3 different people for directions, we finally
made it to Victoria Park.
Victoria Park is one of London’s many public parks and it
sits about a half a mile west of Olympic Park. Inside Victoria Park, they
(whoever they are) have set up three giant screens, a ferris wheel, a hot air balloon,
and countless food stands and port-o-potties. Its one of a few parks in London
with this set up, where Londoners can come watch various Olympic events over
the next few weeks. And, its free!
So, even though the Opening Ceremony didn’t start till 9:00
pm, we got in line around 11:00 am to make sure we’d get in the park and have a
decent view. We were actually really close to the front of the line and, at
4:30 pm, when they started letting people in, we set out our blankets right in
front of the main screen. It was a perfect seat. Of course, once we were
inside, we still had several hours to wait. The time went by surprisingly
quickly and before we knew it, the sun was going down and the park was packed!
The wind was cold and the excitement was electric.
I won’t relay all that happened in the Opening Ceremony
because hopefully you’ve watched it and if you haven’t, then you should find
someone who dvr’ed it and invite yourself over and watch it. Only you can watch
the athletes’ parade in fast forward because it took forever. Although, it was
really fun to watch it with people from all over the world in that park. Whenever
their country was called, groups of people who stand and cheer and dance and
yell. It really was such a great experience to be right there, in that park
with the whole world, cheering and dancing and singing along to
“Hey Jude” and
watching the fireworks because we were close enough to see them without the
So what it was 2:30 am before I got back to the hostel? So what
I had to wake up at 5:30 am to get to the airport? So what I had an exhausting
day of travel ahead?
It was absolutely worth it.
Oh yeah! Here's my photo of the torch relay!