So I thought and thought about what I wanted to do for an
extra multimedia program. I looked through my pictures over and over hoping
something would come to me.
Sidenote: If you know me at all, you probably know that I’m
madly in love with my Chacos. If you know me well enough, you know that I’ve
gotten to be friends with the people at Re-Chaco and that I believe they have
the best customer service ever.
Earlier this year, I blew out a Chaco. Well, it actually
started with a cracked sole, but I continued to walk in them for about 6 months
before the foot bed started to crack, too. After a few weeks, a dozen emails,
and two bags of chocolates, I received a brand new, custom made pair of Chacos
from the wonderful people at Re-Chaco.
To thank Amy Paquin and the folks who work so hard to
recreate Chaconians’ favorite shoes, I’d decided to document my Big Adventure
with pictures of, what else?! My Chacos! I wanted to let Amy and the Re-Chaco
team know what they helped give me and my feet.
All that to say, I realized I have a lot of pictures of my
feet. (This is actually typical of me.)
So I took those pictures and began to play on Glogster.
Glogster is multimedia tool to help create interactive posters and just give a
new way to present information. I’m completely new to Glogster, so I had a lot
of fun playing with it.
And here you go. My very first Glog, featuring my favorite