Thursday, June 28, 2012

By The Banks Of Her Own Lagoon...

Today, Bonnie and I discovered Bath. Honestly, neither one of us really knew anything about the town; we just picked it.

And guess what!

Bath is awesome. It’s old and beautiful and distinct. I loved it.

We took the tour buses around to get the proper tour. One bus took us through the town. Another took us up into the hills to see the skyline. The view was seriously breath taking. And I don’t use the term “breath taking.” Unfortunately, the bus ride didn’t exactly provide great conditions for a picture.

Turns out, Bath was like a big vacation town. Pretty much all the houses were originally built simply to rent out to people coming in for "the season." And people really just came in to party. And when they came, they stayed for months at a time.

They’d come to bathe in the hot springs because they were convinced it would heal anything. They got all dressed up for “assembly”, went to the abbey for the latest gossip, and basically went on the hunt for a significant other.

It was basically MTV Spring Break of Jane Austen’s generation. And it lasted upwards of six months of the year. Yikes.

Anyway, the place was beautiful. I’ve added it to my list of “Places I’ll Frequent When I Marry A Rich Man.”

Here are some of my favorite pictures from the day.

Pulteney Bridge

Bath Abbey

This little guy posed for me.
Thanks, little guy.

1 comment:

  1. So, when is MTV hosting auditions for Spring Break Jane Austen Gone Wild? Or perhaps the next Bachelorette will be filmed there? Either way, sign me UP!

    I never went to Bath when I was England, but only heard great things. Glad y'all loved it!
