Tuesday, June 19, 2012

They're Gonna Put Me In The Movies... (or: video editing exercise)

As part of my preparation for the big adventure, I’ve created a short video introducing myself. This is a little assignment to get me more comfortable with video editing.

If you know me, you may know that I recently discovered a love for creating awesome, albeit somewhat ridiculous, videos about whatever I want to talk about. I call it “Book Talk Y’all”… Maybe you’ve heard of it.

Thank you, grad school, for forcing me to create and edit videos.

But the extent of my editing is just for fun, so I’m looking forward to learning more about video editing in an academic setting.

Anyway, here’s my 45 second introduction…


  1. There needs to be a Book Talk Y'all (or a special couple of episodes) about this experience!

  2. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, you mentioned The Crown!!!!!!!! Love it! And love following your adventure! :) Safe travels! Let us know you made it! xo

  3. your hair looks soooooooooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooooooood!!! :)
