Wednesday, July 4, 2012

And I'll Try Not To Sing Out Of Key...

So here it is! My new home. We’re about two blocks from the Tottenham Court Road station and a short walk from the British Museum. We’ve wandered around the neighborhood quite a bit, but we have yet to start the big tours.

We spent the morning and afternoon in a classroom getting to know one another, learning about some new web technologies, and, most importantly, hearing some basic rules-for-getting-around-London.

Did I mention that the group consists of twelve women, all in training to become librarians? I mean, honestly, what could be better than wandering through London with a group of librarians? I’m really excited about getting to know everyone. A few girls actually knew each other before arriving, but for the most part, we’re all strangers. Just give us a few more days…

If you’ve known me for a while, then you’ve probably seen me move to a new place at some point, likely a new state, apartment, and job altogether. And if you’ve known me through this process, you’ve probably heard me say “I’m not going to make friends.” I always say this. Not because I don’t have the confidence to make new friends. If you know me at all, you know confidence is not something I lack. Rather, I happen to be blessed with some incredible people in my life. I already have the best friends anyone could have. Seriously, I get to call the most wonderful people I’ve ever know my best friends. And every time I move somewhere new, I think I don’t need to make friends. I’ve already got plenty. Sometimes, I even tell myself “This time I’ll be an introvert.”

This plan never works.

I went to college knowing no one and what happened? It drastically changed my entire life. I learned more about life and love at Lipscomb University than I ever knew I never knew. And Family Dinner and the LU/ethos community will always be mine and I will be theirs. 

I moved to Florida straight out of college and what happened? Five years later, I have 4 incredible friends who live all over the country, who I think about everyday and couldn’t imagine life without.

I moved to Indiana straight from Florida and what happened? I have an entire town who love me and treat me like I grew up there and when I visit, they ask when I’ll be coming back “home”.

I moved to Tuscaloosa almost a year ago and what happened? I have two roommates who’ve blessed my life in countless ways and an entire community of librarians and archivists who’ll be not only colleagues, but friends for the rest of my life.

You see a pattern here? Needless to say, I cannot change my ENFP ways. Instead, I embrace them.

I am a talker.

I am a joker.

I dance in public, even when there is no music.

I sing along when there is music. 

I ask questions.

I’ll answer any of yours.

I love adventure.

I embrace the unknown.

I live. I laugh. I love.

And I always end up making friends, and sometimes family, along the way!


  1. So blessed that I have the privilege of calling you one of my friends Callie Ann! I am loving your blog!

  2. Yep, I cried a little. I love you!

  3. ENFPs, represent! Rock on, girl. And make those new friends!
